Office Insurance: What it Is, Why You Need It


office insuranceOffice insurance is required whenever you lease a multifunction copier, or any other type of office equipment. The leasing company will make sure of it by requiring you to have insurance on the equipment, and will also require that they be named as the payee if for whatever reason the equipment ends up being destroyed.

Office insurance is not unlike other types of insurance. Just like when automobiles are on lease, they are required to be insured. If you do not show a leasing company proof of insurance on your office equipment, then the leasing company will automatically tack it on to your bill. That’s something you obviously want to avoid because it’s more expensive that way than going with an insurance agent.

Insurance from the leasing company is more expensive than going with an insurance agent. To ensure you don’t get charged for insurance you or your vendor should check with your insurance agent to see that you are covered. Then you send a letter saying the piece of equipment is covered by insurance. Usually insurance can be included at the same or similar price to what you currently pay. It’s always best to have your vendor make the call to the the insurance agent to make sure your equipment is covered.

Why Do You Need Office Insurance

People generally have insurance on the contents of their office in case the place burns down or some other catastrophe happens. For a monthly premium, office insurance protects the contents of your office that would otherwise be costly to replace. Most people have it, in most cases the insurance policy will cover replacements of copy machines. They will just ask you how much it costs to replace the machine and if the worst happens you will get the money to replace the equipment.

Office insurance is peace of mind that what you invest into your office will be safe in case anything unpredictable happens and the contents of your office end up being destroyed. Everyone I know who runs an office has insurance, because without it it’s just like driving a car without insurance. Far too much of a risk.

If you have any further questions about insurance, or how to get insured when buying products from Dean Office Solutions, please contact me and we’ll set up a consultation. I’ll give you an idea of how to go about it and how much it might cost, but ultimately I cannot provide the insurance for you.

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